Which Products' Higher Costs Will Affect Your Family Most? Why?

The ability of families to see their well-nigh basic needs is an important mensurate of economic stability and well-existence. While poverty thresholds are used to evaluate the extent of serious economic impecuniousness in our social club, family budgetsthat is, the income a family needs to secure rubber and decent-nonetheless-modest living standards in the customs in which information technology residesoffer a broader measure of economic welfare.ane

The family budgets presented in this report take into account differences in both geographic location and family type. In total, this written report presents basic budgets for over 400 U.S. communities and six family types (either ane or ii parents with one, two, or iii children). That the budgets differ by location is of import, since certain costs, such as housing, vary significantly depending on where one resides. This geographic dimension of family unit budget measurements offers a comparative advantage over using poverty thresholds, which merely use a national baseline in its measurements.

Bones family unit budget measurements are adjustable by family unit type because expenses vary considerably depending on the number of children in a family and whether or non a family is headed by a single parent or a married couple.

The second part of this analysis compares data on actual working family incomes and the associated basic family budgets. Such a comparing can show, for example, what pct of 2-parent families with two children in Pittsburgh, Pa., are really earning enough income to meet bones family unit upkeep thresholds.2 These comparisons can also testify not only the share of families falling below family budget thresholds, but the number of total people—parents and children—that are affected. Given recent policies that emphasize work as the solution to poverty and economic hardship, this analysis is of import because information technology shows that sometimes work simply isn't enough.

The following are major findings from this analysis:

  • The range of bones family unit budgets for a two-parent, two-child family is $31,080 (rural Nebraska) to $64,656 (Boston, Massachusetts). The median family budget of $39,984 is well above the $19,157 poverty threshold for this size family.
  • Over three times more working families fall below the basic family budget levels as fall below the official poverty line.
  • Of the half-dozen family types examined, over 14 million people (28%) live in families with incomes below the bones family budget thresholds.
  • The incorporation of toll-of-living differences into bones family budgets makes them advantageous in many ways. For example, when using poverty thresholds, approximately 37% of families fall below "twice poverty" (i.e., double the poverty line), whether they reside in cities or rural areas. But when using family budget measures, which embody the higher cost of living in cities, one finds that 42% of families living in cities and 30% of families residing in rural areas autumn short of basic family budget thresholds.

Across measures of poverty to measures of economic hardship

Limitations and problems of poverty thresholds
Poverty thresholds are accented income levels used to measure the number and percentage of those who are the most impoverished and economically deprived in our society. Conceptually, the poverty measure is an important one, and one that is fundamentally different than family budgets. Family budgets are a relative measure of the dollar amount families need to alive modestly in the communities where they reside.

It is too the example that the poverty measure is woefully outdated and little has been done officially to remedy the situation. For instance, the electric current methodology for poverty thresholds was designed over four decades ago in 1963 and has only been updated using the Consumer Price Index. Academics, policy analysts, and social scientists—most of whom overwhelming agree that the Demography poverty measure is seriously outdated—have been engaged in dialogue and debate about alternative measures for some time.3

Virtually analyses of alternative poverty measures notice that an updated poverty measure would increase the percentage of those classified as poor (Bernstein 2001).4 Hence, one barrier to redefining poverty thresholds is political, with nearly presidents reluctant to take official poverty numbers revised upward during their administrations. The bones family unit budgets presented here go beyond measures of severe deprivation to encompass a broader spectrum of economical hardship.

The added value of basic family budgets
Bones family budget calculations constitute the income required to adequately afford a safe and decent standard of living for i of 6 family types living in any of 400 specific U.South. communities.5 These budgets are calculated for 6 different family unit types (one or two parents with one to three children) and comprise regional, land, or local variations in prices (depending on item). Therefore, price-of-living differences are built into the upkeep calculations. The bones budgets are relative measures of what incomes are necessary to attain a specific standard of living. The budget items that are included in the basic family budgets are: housing, food, child intendance, transportation, health care, other necessities, and taxes.6

The following is a brief clarification of each upkeep item and the restrictions and/or working assumptions employed for basic family unit budget calculations:

  • Housing. Housing costs are based on the Department of Housing and Urban Development'south fair market rents (FMRs). FMRs represent 40th percentile rents (shelter rent plus utilities) for privately endemic, decent, structurally rubber, and sanitary rental housing of a modest (non-luxury) nature with suitable civilities. Rents for two-bedroom apartments were used for families with one or two children, and rents for three-bedroom apartments were used for families with 3 children (these assumptions were based on HUD guidelines).
  • Food. Food costs are based on the "low-cost plan" taken from the Department of Agriculture'southward written report, "Official USDA Nutrient Plans: Cost of Food at Dwelling at Four Levels." The USDA food plans represent the amount families demand to spend to achieve nutritionally adequate diets.
  • Transportation. Transportation expenses are based on the costs of owning and operating a car for work and other necessary trips. The National Travel Household Survey is used to derive costs that are based on average miles driven per calendar month past size of the metropolitan statistical or rural area multiplied past the cost-per-mile.
  • Child care. Child care expenses are based on centre-based child care or family unit child care centers for 4 and 8 twelvemonth olds, as reported by the Children's Defense Fund.
  • Health care. Health care expenses are based on an amount that recognizes that not all families receive employer-provided wellness care. Nosotros utilize a weighted average of the employee share of the premium for employer-sponsored wellness insurance and non-group premium costs from an online insurance quote, plus the toll of out-of-pocket medical expenses.
  • Other necessities. The cost of other necessities includes the price of vesture, personal care expenses, household supplies, reading materials, school supplies, and other miscellaneous items of necessity from the Consumer Expenditure Survey.
  • Taxes. Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ) computed the taxes for revenue enhancement year 2004. The vi line items from in a higher place represent after-tax budgets. CTJ adamant the amount of taxation liability that each after-taxation upkeep would incur. Therefore, the after-tax budget along with the additional taxation burden represents the total pre-tax budget. Taxes included federal personal income taxes, federal Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes (directly worker payments merely), and state income taxes. Local income or wage taxes were as well included. Included in the calculation are federal tax credits for children and the earned-income tax credit.

The 2004 basic family unit budgets

In all, basic budgets are calculated for vi family unit types: one or two parents with one, two, or three children, for over 400 communities. The budgets reverberate the costs that families actually encounter when they form households in specific geographical areas. The budget costs reflect the income that is necessary for a family to enjoy a relatively safe, pocket-sized standard of living.

For illustrative purposes, the basic family budgets for vi different family types in Pittsburgh, Pa. are depicted in Figure A. One of the start items of involvement when looking at these budgets is the large share of costs that come from child care. The largest monthly expense faced by families in Pittsburgh with more one kid is child intendance costs. This is not always the case, especially in areas that accept very loftier property values, such as the District of Columbia and Oakland, California. Figure B shows that in these areas rental expenses exceed all other individual budgetary items.
Figure A

Figure B

Figure A examined simply one community(Pittsburgh, Pa.)only six dissimilar family types. This analysis provides insight into how the budgets vary past family size. Figure B, on the other hand, holds the family unit type constanttwo parents and two childrenwhile varying the geographic location. Figure B illustrates how, given a family type, the budgets differ substantially by location. For instance, rental property in Oakland, California is nigh three times what it is in Casper, Wyoming. Monthly rent for a two bedroom flat is $470 in Casper, Wyoming, $888 in Denver, Colorado, and $1,342 in Oakland, California.

Figure B demonstrates the importance of accounting for price-of-living variations when calculating relative budgets. In other words, these basic family budgets let for comparisons that hold living standards constant. In contrast, the unmarried poverty threshold for a family unit of four$19,157 in 2004applies regardless of location. A family of 4 is deemed to subsist in poverty if its income is beneath this level, whether it resides in Casper, Wyoming or Oakland, California.

Tabular array i provides individual budget detail outlays for the geographic locations shown in Figure B. Annual totals are likewise calculated. Family unit budgets as a percent of the poverty threshold are given in the terminal row of the table. For example, Table 1 shows that the annual bones family budget for Casper, Wyoming is 163% of the poverty level, while information technology is 338% in Boston, Massachusetts.

Table 1

Family unit budgets and the budgets of working families

As stated before, family budgets represent the amount of money a family needs to manage at a basic level. These budgets are not based on what families really spend, but rather on the realistic costs of the vii basic items that plant the budgets. Using data from the March Current Population Survey (CPS), a nationally representative survey by the U.South. Bureau of the Demography, allows for a comparison of reported family incomes and basic family budgets.7 The CPS contains extensive data on families, including income, geographic location, and number of children. The CPS allows for a comparison of income data for a two-parent, 2-kid family unit living in Denver, Colorado to the basic family budget threshold for that family blazon and location.

Certain family types and demographic particulars add together to the likelihood that a family's income volition fall below basic budget levels. Table 2 presents the share of families with incomes that fall short of bones family upkeep levels. Families headed by unmarried parents, young workers, or workers with less than a college caste are the well-nigh probable to face economic hardship. For comparative purposes, the share of families with incomes less than poverty and twice poverty are too shown in Tabular array 2.

Table 2

Overall, 29.vii% of working families in the United States accept incomes beneath basic family upkeep levels. As for poverty measurements, the CPS data finds that 9.4% of working families are below the official poverty thresholds, and the percentage of families living below twice poverty28.0%is similar to those subsisting below basic family budget levels.

The residuum of Table 2 gives demographic breakdowns of the shares of families that autumn below the iii threshold measures. A majority of African American and Hispanic working families and over two-thirds of families headed past someone with less than a loftier school degree earn less than what is needed to meet the basic family budget threshold. Fifty-fifty a college degree does not completely insulate a family from economic struggles, equally 8.7% of families headed past someone with at to the lowest degree a available's degree have incomes below family budget levels.

More than two out of ten families headed past a full-fourth dimension, full-year worker fall below basic upkeep levels. Households headed by single parents rarely attain incomes above family upkeep thresholds: but forty.ane%, 26.3%, and seven.5% of single parent families with i, two, or three children, respectively, have incomes that meet bones family unit budget thresholds. Single parents face serious challenges to economical sustainability.

Maybe predictably, families headed by those with less educational activity, by unmarried parents, or by younger workers (or a combination of such) struggle to achieve incomes that come across family budget thresholds. But maybe not then expected are the significant percentages of families headed by educated workers, full-time, full-year workers, and older workers who are too finding it hard to have a standard of living that is to a higher place the bones level represented by these family budgets.

Table ii offers insight into the importance and value of incorporating toll-of-living differences into economic hardship measures. Families living in cities or rural areas are more probable to accept incomes that fall below poverty or twice poverty levels, and their percentages are similar for either locale. For case, approximately 37% of families living in a city or a rural area have incomes beneath twice poverty. These percentages differ significantly when family unit budget levels are the measure of comparing. Generally, the cost of living in cities is college than in suburbs or rural areas. Hence, the percentage of families living below family budget levels is much higher in cities (42.5%) compared to those living in suburbs (23.3%) or rural areas (30.5%).

Regional poverty rates are highest in the South. But when hardship is measured using bones family unit budgets, it is the Western region that has the largest share of families with income less than the family budget threshold (32.7%). The Midwest region has the lowest percentage of families falling below basic family unit budget levels (23.iv%).

Table 3 offers additional insight into cost-of-living variances in the family budgets. It is i matter to hash out the number of families that don't earn plenty to meet their basic monetary needs, merely what does that mean in terms of actual numbers of people? Table iii gives, by state and region, the percentage and number of persons in families with incomes less than family unit upkeep levels. Of the six family types examined, over 14 million people (about 28% of those examined) alive in families with incomes below the basic family budget thresholds. Again, information technology is the Western region that has the largest percentage of people living below family upkeep thresholds (32.1%). The Southern region (due to its large share of the overall population) has the greatest number of personsalmost five.5 millionliving in families with incomes below family budget levels.

Table 3

States that traditionally accept loftier levels of poverty, such equally Arkansas and Mississippi, besides have loftier percentages of people26.eight% and 29.half-dozen%, respectivelyliving in families with incomes beneath bones budget levels. However, some high cost-of-living states, such as New York and California, accept even higher percentages of people below family budget levels (35.3% and 33.seven%, respectively). The District of Columbia, at 48.0%, has the highest share of persons in families with incomes less than family budget levels, and California, at 2 1000000 people, has the greatest number of persons living in families with incomes beneath basic budget amounts.

Beyond the country significant numbers of working families are finding information technology difficult to brand ends meet. Something has got to requite when families do non have the ways to subsist at a basic level. Under such circumstances, health insurance or rubber, dependable child intendance could maybe exist out of reach. Public policy, specially in the course of piece of work supports, is critical to assistance working families attain a prophylactic and decent standard of living.

The role of public policy

Even in the best of times, many parents in low-wage jobs will not earn enough market-based income to see their family's basic needs. When work is non enough, publicly provided work supports are needed to aid workers. It is telling that a full-fourth dimension, full-year worker who is paid $6.00 per hr (.85¢ above the minimum wage) will earn pre-tax nearly $12,500 a year, which is below the poverty line of $xiii,020 for a unmarried parent with i kid. Work supports such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), child care subsidies and tax credits, and subsidies for housing, transportation, and wellness care have been effective in increasing mail service-taxation incomes and consumption for working families. But more than needs to be done to assist struggling depression- and middle-wage workers. Being a working member of our economy has associated costs, such as transportation to and from work and the expense of kid care. As shown in the family budgets, kid care costs, on boilerplate, account for around 25% of the typical budget for a family with 2 children. Thus, this detail expenditure is clearly an important leverage signal for using piece of work supports to narrow the gap betwixt earnings and needs.


1. For a historical overview of family budgets, see Johnson, et al. (2001).

ii. This Conference Paper may be used in conjunction with the interactive Web-based basic family budget reckoner that is available on the Economic Policy Plant's Spider web site: http://www.epi.org/content.cfm/datazone_fambud_budget.

3. Encounter Bernstein (2001).

iv. For a dissenting view, see Robert Rector, Agreement Poverty and Economic Inequality in the U.s.a., http://world wide web.heritage.org/Enquiry/Welfare/bg1796.cfm.

five. For information on family budget and self-sufficiency budgets, their components, and conceptual bug, see Bernstein, Brocht, and Spade-Aguilar (2000) and Wider Opportunities for Women at www.wowonline.org.

half dozen. A detailed technical documentation that describes the methodological approach employed in the budget calculations of each budget item is available at: http://www.epi.org/folio/-/old/datazone/fambud/fam_bud_calc_tech_doc.pdf.

7. For more than on CPS methodology, see Boushey, et al. (2001) Appendix B.


Bernstein, Jared. 2001. Let the State of war on the Poverty Line Commence. Working Newspaper Series. New York, N.Y.: The Foundation for Kid Development.

Bernstein, Jared, Chauna Brocht, and Maggie Spade-Aguilar. 2000. How Much Is Enough? Basic Family Budgets for Working Families. Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy Establish.

Boushey, Heather, Chauna Brocht, Bethney Gundersen, and Jared Bernstein. 2001. Hardships in America: The Real Story of Working Families. Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy Institute.

Johnson, David South., John G. Rogers, and Lucilla Tan. 2001. "A Century of Family Budgets in the United States." Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 124, No. five. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Wider Opportunities for Women Cocky-Sufficiency Standards can be found at: www.wowonline.org.

The author thanks Jared Bernstein for his invaluable assistance and insights. She also thanks Danielle Gao and Jin Dai for their programming assistance and Yulia Fungard for inquiry assist. This research was funded by the Annie Eastward. Casey Foundation and the Foundation for Child Development (FCD). We thank them for their back up only acknowledge that the findings and conclusions presented in this report are those of the author solitary, and do not necessarily reverberate the opinions of these foundations.

FCD is a national individual philanthropy in New York Metropolis dedicated to promoting a new starting time for public pedagogy from pre-kindergarten through third course. The Foundation promotes the well-being of children, and believes that families, schools, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and government at all levels share complementary responsibilities in the disquisitional job of raising new generations. To learn more about FCD and its programs, please visit its web site at www.fcd-u.s..org.


Source: https://www.epi.org/publication/bp165/

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